Gym Workout Plan - Part 1 (Mon & Thurs)

Gym Workout Plan - 1

gym workout for beginners, gym workout routines, gym workout  gym workout plan for beginners, gym workout plan for men, gym workout chest.
gym workout plan 

Workouts Play An Important Role In Developing Your Body, But The Workout Should Be Proper And Efficient Which Gives The Best Results To Your Body To Develop Your Muscles, So Here We The Health Solutions Are Back With The First Post On The Gym Workout Plan
This workout plan is for the beginner as well as for intermediates

So Our Workout Plan Will Be Spilt Body Workout Where You Will Be Training Your Each Body Part 2-3 Times A Week So let's Begin With The Gym Workouts Plan

This Workout Would We Followed On Monday And Thursday.

The First Day  We Will Be Targeting Our Chest And Triceps.
The second Day We Will Be Targetting Our Arms And Back - Part 2 (Coming Soon)[subscribe it]
The Third Day We Will Be Targetting Our Legs And Abs - Part 3 (Coming Soon)

1. 5 Minute Any Cardio

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As Cardio Plays An Important Role In Warm Up Your Muscles, Which Can Reduce The Chance Of Getting Injury During The Workout, as You Are Making The Body To Get Ready For The Workout  So Cardio Is The Most Important Workout Before Any Workout, It May Be The Cycling Or Jogging Or Jumping Jacks Or Skippping Or Any Forms Of Cardio

2.full Body Stretch

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After Warming Up Your Body The Most Important Thing Is Stretch Your Boddy To Avoid Any Cramps During Workout Or Any Injury, Especially Stretch Those Muscles Which Yiu Are Going To Train Today Harder, So That The Flexibility Is Mainted Of Your Body While You Perform Your Sets

3. Push Up With Hold

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You Might Have Listen The Word Push Up Many Times As Same Is Push Up With Hold In This Workout , Push Up With Hold As The Word Say During The Workout Time When You Perform The Pushups And When You Go Down Towards The Floor Just Hold Yourself For 3 Seconds Over There, And Get Back To the Same Position

The Sets Required To Perform Is 3 Sets With 12,15,18 Reps

4. Dumbell Flat Chest Press

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Make The Press Stand At 90 Degree As Falt Lay Down Take The Dumbell In Your Hand And Take The Dumbell Parallel To Your Chest Upward And Slowly Downwards Parallel So That Your Elbow Become Parallel To Your Chest

The Sets Are: 3 And The Reps Are 15,12,10  And Also Note Increase The Weights In Every Set

5 . Incline Dumbell Press

gym workout for beginners, gym workout routines, gym workout  gym workout plan for beginners, gym workout plan for men, gym workout chest.

Just Place The bench Press At 30 Degree And Take The Dumbell And Start Doing The Workout As Dumbbell Flat Chest Press, As This Workout Helps You To Target The Upper Chest Which Will Give You The Best Result

The Sets Are: 3 And The Rep S Are 15,12,10 And Also Increase The Weight In Every Set.

6. Machine Triceps Extension

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After Working Out In Your Chest Lets Go To The Triceps Machne Extension Start With The Lower Weight And Increase The Weight In Every Sets This Can Really Help Your Triceps To Give A Good Warm-Up

The Sets Are 3 And The Reps Are 12,10,8 Increase The Weight In Every Set

7.Smith Machine Bench Press

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This Machine Can Really Help You A  Lot Increase The Size Of Your Chest And Give The Rapid Results To Your Chest Muscles As This Mainly Targets Your Chest And Also Help You To Stretch Your Chest Muscles And Encourage The Look Of Your Chest

The Sets Are 3 And The Reps Are 12,10,8 And Also Increase The Weight In Every Set

8.dumbell  Triceps Extensions

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gym workout plan 

In This, The You Need To Take A Dumbell On The Both Hands And Now  Your Arms Should Be Extended Upwards  The Palm Of Your Hands Will Be Giving The Support To Your Dumbell And Now Slowly Move Your Forearms Slowly Downwards Until The Forearms Touches Your Biceps And Get Back To Normal Position And Repeat The Steps Again

The Set Are 3 And The Reps Are 12,10,8 Also Note That You Increase The Weight Gradually In Every Set

9. Decline Dumbell Press

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First Of All Secure The Legs On The Decline Bench And Then And Take The Dumbell On Your Both Hands And Then Lay Down By Making Yur Arms Upwards Parallel To Your Chest And Slowly Make Your Arms Downside Towards Your Chest As This Is The Best Workout For Developing The Lower Chest Portion

The Sets Are 3 And The Reps Are 15,10,8 Also Nite That You Need To Increase The Weight In Every Set

10.Pully Bar Push Down

gym workout for beginners, gym workout routines, gym workout  gym workout plan for beginners, gym workout plan for men, gym workout chest.
gym workout plan

First Of All, Take A Bar And Attach To Pully And Then Take A Standing Position By Holding The Bar Parallel To  Your Admonen And Slowly Get Back Up Repeat These Set

As This Will Help You A Lot For Increasing The Size Of The Triceps

The Sets Are 3 And The Reps Are 15,10,8 Also Note That Increase The Weight In Every Set

And Also Last You Need To Perform The Stretching Which Is Most Important Thing After Workout

Which Help Your Muscles To Relax After A Heavy Workout

Things To Remember

  • Always Be Hydrated During The Workout Take A Sip In Between Sets
  • Increase The Weight In Every Sets
  • Take A Proper Sleep
  • Take A Proper Diet


