Leg Workouts At Home


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Why legs workout is necessary?

As all we know that legs are the largest group of muscles in our whole body, as it plays an important role because it holds the total weight of our body , as around (15%)of the gym goers do not hit the legs workout in the gym or do not perform leg workouts, due to this the another part of the body which they train are developed  but the legs remain thin and skinny , which mainly affects the personality , and make you to look odd, in fact the legs workout should not be left instead it should be performed with more dedication, as this legs workout can mainly help you to increase the testosterone level of your body, as well as grow the other parts of your body, as legs workout can help you to loose weight, as well as make your legs get toned and look your legs very sexy . legs workouts also help in preventing lower back pain.

As we all know it's 21 century the life has become very fast as well as the technology had been advanced due to this there is a great impact on health, so here we are presenting top legs workout that you can perform at home if you do not have time to go gym, it is legs workout for men and women at home



This Excercise Can Really Help In Achieving In Gluteus And Hamstrings

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Steps to perform this exercise:-

  • Stand Several Feet Away From A Bench. Rest Your Left Foot On The Bench Behind You

  • Lower Your Body Until Your Back Knee Nearly Touch The Floor And Your Front Thigh Is Parallel To The Floor

  • Then Go Back To The Starting Positions And Repeat The Exercise.
The Reps Of The Excercise Is 15 Per Set (perform The Sets As You Are Comfort (but 1 Is Must))

  • Now Perform The Same Exercise By Right Leg Behind And Left Leg Ahead Same Set And Same Reps 


This Workout Can Really Help In Butt And Legs Muscles

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Steps To Perform This Exercise:-

  • Stand Straight Up. Then Step Back With Your Left Leg To The Right, And Bend Your Knees At The Same Time.

  • Go Back To The Start Position And Switch To The Other Side.

The Reps Of The Excercise Is 20 Per Set (perform The Sets As You Are Comfort (but 1 Is Must))


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Steps To Perform This Exercise

  • Lie On Your Right Side With The Head Resting On Your Right Hand.

  • Then Put Your Left Foot Forward  On The Floor, Lift Your Right Leg Up And Down.

The Reps Of The Excercise Is 15 Per Set (perform The Sets As You Are Comfort (but 1 Is Must))


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Steps To Perform This Exercise

  • Lie On Your Left Side With The Head Resting On Your Left Hand.

  • Then Put Your Right Foot Forward  On The Floor, Lift Your Left Leg Up And Down.

The Reps Of The Excercise Is 15 Per Set (perform The Sets As You Are Comfort (but 1 Is Must))


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Steps To Perform This Exercise

  • Stand Straight Up. Then Step Your Left Leg Back And Lower Your Body
  • When You Come Up. Raise Your Left Knee As High As You Can 
  • Go Back To The Start Positions And Repeat This Excercise
The Reps Of The Excercise Is 20-25 Per Set (perform The Sets As You Are Comfort (but 1 Is Must))


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Steps To Perform This Exercise

  • Stand Straight Up. Then Step your right Leg Back And Lower Your Body
  • When You Come Up. Raise Your Right  Knee As High As You Can 
  • Go Back To The Start Positions And Repeat This Excercise
The Reps Of The Excercise Is 20-25 Per Set (perform The Sets As You Are Comfort (but 1 Is Must))


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Steps To Perform This Exercise

  • Stand With Your Hands On Your Hips And Your Feet A Little Wider And Then Shoulder Apart.
  • Then Lower Your Body Until Your Thigh Are Parallel To The Ground
  • Lift Up Your Heels Up And Down 

The Reps Of The Excercise Is 30 Per Set (perform The Sets As You Are Comfort (but 1 Is Must))


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This Exercise Is To Strengthen Your Quadriceps Muscles

Steps To Perform This Exercise

  • Start With Your Back Against The Wall Then Slide Down Until Your Knees Are (90 Degree) Angle
  • Keep Your Back Against The Wall With Your Hands And Arns Away From Your Legs Hold The Positions ' 
This Is A Time-based Exercise You Need To Hold A Minimum 1 Minute

THANK YOU FOR READING:- Leg Workouts That Men Or Women Can Do At Home


